
Showing posts from April, 2017

Everything Is Life

“old life brings new life. Just like with every door closed one opens. Everything continues, never ending, for eternity. From one life's death brings forward a new life. Either in one form or another. Ever changing.”

April 1,2017

Baby steps literally! I have to do everything through baby steps. I woke up today and was hit with nausea, insane migraine, sensitivity to lignt and my head spinning. Kind of hitting a wall of physical pain i only managed to eat one cracker and hurried up to take my pills. Then layed down on the sofa curled up under my blankets blocking out the bright light from the window. I should have expected some days to be easier than others, how naive of me to not think of this. My home care nurse came to visit me today and i asked what i should expect basically.  I've been keeping tabs on my side effects from my medicine. I want to make sure i document everything that way i dont miss or forget anything. My memory isn't  good  as it was. My brain can't function properly yet so i make sure i have something with me to help think/talk clear for me. I cant see my future so i dont know whats next or what to expect. Just one day at a time process new information and get a better understan

March 31,2017

Bright lights and loud sounds still bother me. I can't be too close to the tv cause it brothers my head and eyes. I seem to get more fatigued, weak and unbalanced after i take my anti-seizure meds. Today i started getting heart burn i wonder if its from one of my meds? I want to regain my strength but i also dont want to push myself. Im trying to get through different times of feeling certain ways, get a handle of things, learn this new side of me and i know it'll take time. I think of questions to ask my doctors mostly because i still haven't understood this fully.  Tomorrow my at home care nurse is coming out to assest my condition, help me get better and answer my questions.

March 30,2017

March 30,2017 Today was a surreal and hard to swallow day. I've been battling with nausea since last friday, like a game of tug a war. I'm still numb/weak on my right side which is another challenge, every time i wake up i get hit with head pains, which makes me feel unstable and sick. I'm constantly tired or feel drained a lot often but on top of that my meds cause dizziness and fatigue. So it's like feeling tired piled up too the put that i feel overwhelmed by all of it. I've been told that my brain has abnormal activity/seizure activity even though i'm not actually having having a physical one. I've been thinking back to see if there was warning signs that i didn't know was one and i believe there was; like when i would sleep my body would shake and i was never cold, the twitching of my face and subtle speech complications. But i never experienced anything like this before so i didn't know any better. I'm glad that i went to the hospital whe

The beginning of a new me, but with "cavernous Malformation:

March 29, 2017 I've been in the hospital for like 3 days now. I miss my son and family terribly, and my baby boy misses me so much I fact that he can't sleep right without me. Today I was diagnosed with cavernous malformation; an abnormal formation of blood vessels in the brain  or spinal cord. A hemorrhage from the blood vessels can occur, and in my case it has. Its a rare disorder but its also hereditary and i believe that it comes from my father's side. Some symptoms include seizures which unfortunately I have that brain activity, headaches, nausea, neurological loss, such as limb weakness and balance problems. In my case I'm that 1% who has all those symptoms affect me. Its been difficult especially since my speech is being affected and it's frustrating trying to talk normal but everything comes out either slurred or messed up. I've been put on new anti seizure medication thur an I.V, when I get home I'll need someone to watch after me for I don't